Daniel Hokka Zakrisson wrote:
Jake Solid wrote:
I'm getting the following error when trying to create a gust on my CentOS
x86_64. I was able to find all files listed below and dont no for sure
is the problem. I'm using util-vserver-0.30.213-0.1

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# vserver myguest build --force -m yum --context 42
--hostname=host.myguest.com --interface eth0=eth0: --
-d centos5

I also have been running into repo not found errors. (I did miss the beginning of this thread so not sure of the exact error you're reporting.) What I've found is if the IP address for the guest is not valid I have problems. As some back ground: I'm in the process of creating and or moving/re-creating several Vserver guests on another host. This in preparation for a physical move and IP address changes. The whole IP block in fact. Trying to be tricky, but thoughtless, I used some IPs which were not ours (outside our block). Builds and installs would fail.

So I responded because of the line above and the IP address. Just in case you actually used that planning to update it later.


It looks to me like yum isn't finding any mirrors, and is thus unable to
find any RPMs. Have you modified the repo files yourself, or is this OOTB?
You might want to do something like:
mkdir -p /etc/vservers/.distributions/centos5
cp -a /usr/lib*/util-vserver/distributions/centos5/yum
sed -i 's/debuglevel=.*/#\0/'

to get yum to show you what's happening.

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