
we are successfully using linux-vserver on several host systems for
almost a year now without any real problems at all. Thanks for this
great piece of software. :)

Today I tried to move one of our guests from one host system to another,
as I did with several others successfully before.

I did an 

rsync -aAz --delete --numeric-ids 

of /etc/vservers/guest and /vservers/guest and ran 

chxid -c 1007 -R /vservers/guest

on the new host system.

When I try to start the vserver on the new host system the 'vserver
start' command hangs for a pretty long time (one hour already) without
any output.

ps xa shows:

19419 pts/0    S+     0:00 /usr/sbin/vnamespace --new -- /usr/sbin/vserver 
----nonamespace guest start
19423 pts/0    S+     0:00 /bin/bash /usr/sbin/vserver ----nonamespace guest 
19432 pts/0    S+     0:00 /usr/lib/util-vserver/lockfile 
/var/lock/vserver.etcvserversguest.startup /tmp/vserver-lock.U19429
19502 pts/0    S+     0:00 /bin/bash /usr/sbin/chbind --silent --secure --nid 
1007 --ip xx.xxx.xxx.xxx/29 -- /usr/lib/util-vserver/exec-ulimit 
/etc/vservers/guest/ulimits /usr/sbin/vcontext --create --silent --xid 1007 -- 
/usr/sbin/vnamespace --set -- /usr/sbin/vlimit --dir 
/etc/vservers/guest/rlimits --missingok -- /usr/sbin/vsched --xid self --force 
--fill-rate 50 --interval 100 --tokens 100 --tokens_min 0 --tokens_max 500 
--priority-bias 0 -- /usr/sbin/vuname --xid self --dir /etc/vservers/guest/uts 
--missingok -- /usr/sbin/vuname --xid self --set -t context=/etc/vservers/guest 
-- /usr/sbin/vattribute --set --secure --flag default --flag fakeinit --flag 
sched_prio --flag sched_hard --flag virt_mem --flag virt_uptime --flag virt_cpu 
--flag virt_load -- /usr/lib/util-vserver/save_ctxinfo /etc/vservers/guest 
/usr/bin/env -i PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin /usr/sbin/vcontext 
--migrate-self --endsetup --chroot --silent -- /etc/init.d/rc 3

vps xa | grep 1007 shows:

19506  1007               pts/0    H+     0:00 /usr/sbin/vattribute --set 
--secure --flag default --flag fakeinit --flag sched_prio --flag sched_hard 
--flag virt_mem --flag virt_uptime --flag virt_cpu --flag virt_load -- 
/usr/lib/util-vserver/save_ctxinfo /etc/vservers/guest /usr/bin/env -i 
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin /usr/sbin/vcontext --migrate-self --endsetup 
--chroot --silent -- /etc/init.d/rc 3

Could anybody imagine what is going on here?
Can I try something else to debug the situation?

Thanks in advance,

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