I just saw an incredibly well made Canadian (my adopted 'home and native land' ) documentary 'which I feel we should all see. 'THE END OF SUBURBIA - Oil Depletion and The Collapse of The American Dream ---> check it out at  this great site (LINK- The Electric Wallpaper Co.) - www.endofsuburbia.com
I thought I was fairly up to speed on energy issues and current affairs until I started to do some research on the so called 'peak oil' problem we are facing.After viewing this film I feel I've jumped ahead to the next century.
This film is for those that are courageous enough to want to see what is coming fast down the pike at us so that we can begin to steer our own 'ship' and that of our community slowly towards preparation for the inevitable.The movie suggests that the time frame is very short as it is generally accepted that even Saudi Arabia's oil production has 'peaked' and we now begin the rapid slide down the other side of the graph's curve to oil depletion and the struggle to control the world's remaining reserves, as if it is going to change the huge adjustment we are going to have to make.
If you have any illusions following viewing this film that we can carry on as usual - think again when you realize that our lives are way too dependant on oil and oil products.
It also highlights how the panicky rush to hip , yet flawed energy sources such as wind power, just will not solve the impending crisis.
It also highlights, even more alarmingly, the impetus and the true intentions behind the US government's attack on Iraq, the expansion into the ex Soviet satellite states in central asia ( as  abuffer against potential Chinese pressure to rein in oil reserves).After seeing this movie I said to myself  "What George Bush and the Republicans are doing is absolutely the right thing to do in the circumstances , yet it is so palpably wrong." Figure that one out !!
Not for the fainthearted - the implications will change your life and hopefully energize you to prepare.
I know the Kellogg Hubbard Library in Montpelier has a free copy available or will do after I return it .
J.Dylan Rivis


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