You're going to have an interesting time running BGP on a wrap board. IIRC, the last time I used a WRAP platform they maxed out at 266Mhz CPU and 128MB of RAM. A full BGP feed won't fit into 128M of ram, and a 266Mhz proc is going to have a hard time keeping up with the BGP Scanner process every time there's a table update.

If it were me, I wouldn't try to run BGP on that device. All that being said, Vyatta will *probably* run on the WRAP platform, but I haven't tried it. I have successfully run other Linux variants on WRAP boards, so the support is there if its enabled in the Vyatta kernel. You'll have to install it by hand though, as I don't think you can boot a wrap board over a usb cdrom drive.

I'm sure someone from Vyatta will chime in here soon with a more definitive answer.

Good luck!

Aubrey Wells
Senior Engineer
Shelton | Johns Technology Group
A Vyatta Ready Partner

On Sep 20, 2007, at 5:27 PM, Ryan MacDonald wrote:


I’m a complete newbie to Vyatta so I have a few questions. I’m currently running a similar firewall based on OpenBSD. My reason for switching is that our current system doesn’t support BGP. Aside from that, I was wondering if there are any instructions or if it is even possible to install Vyatta on a WRAP platform. We would like to make the change without new hardware if possible. I appreciate any advice.

Thanks in advance,

Ryan MacDonald


Ambient Technical Group, LLC

8101 Oak Dr

Palmetto, FL 34221

Phone: (941)-782-6217

Fax: (941)-782-6218

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