Also the next-hop is in a different subnet than the ethernet interface.  
Look at the third octet.

John Gong wrote:
> Hi Keith,
> After a quick glance, I see that your default route needs to be corrected:
> delete protocols static route
> set protocols static route next-hop
> Give that a try and please let us know if it worked.
> Regards,
> John
> Keith Steensma wrote:
>> I have been trying to get  VC3 to work as a firewall in our office (and 
>> I have monitoring the mailing list for some months) but have come up 
>> against a problem that I can't figure out.  The 'production' VC3 (by 
>> following the Vyatta Eval Guide exactly) does not communicate out on the 
>> web (no matter what I try to do).  Finally, I went back to the training 
>> video on 'Vyatta Routing Basics' and followed along with that video 
>> (step by single step).  That does not work either.  I can't ping the 
>> internet.
>> The situation is -
>> I have an online web server (a Debian box handling 4 web sites) attached 
>> (through a switch) to a Comcast (SMC 8014) business gateway (that's what 
>> they call it; I call it a modem/firewall/router) that supplies the 
>> office with 5 static incoming IPs and 1 outgoing IP.  I have other 
>> Windows (wired and wireless) and Linux systems attached through a 16 
>> port (unmanaged) switch (same as above).  All the Windows and Linux 
>> boxes work just fine except for the Vyatta box.
>> Doing it 'by the video', I configure eth1 (of the VC3 box) for a static 
>> IP (, designate the next-hop to be (the SMC 
>> router), and setup a dns entry pointing at our dns server 
>> (, Vyatta cannot ping the internet. It can ping every 
>> other box on the network (including the gateway @ IP of 
>>  If I ping (from the Vyatta vox) to Google as a IP address 
>> or a http name, it returns 'Network is unreachable'.  When I 'dig 
>> host.internal.lan' (an internal name) or 'dig', I get the 
>> correct results (dns is working?).  When I ping (or browse the web) from 
>> any other machine, everything works fine.
>> The problem seems to be in the Comcast gateway but I don't see anything 
>> wrong anywhere.
>> Here's the basic setup config (eth0 would go to a separate subnet 
>> eventually).
>> Keith Steensma
>>     protocols {
>>         static {
>>             disable: false
>>             route {
>>                 next-hop:
>>                 metric: 1
>>             }
>>         }
>>     }
>>     policy {
>>     }
>>     interfaces {
>>         restore: false
>>         loopback lo {
>>             description: ""
>>         }
>>         ethernet eth0 {
>>             disable: false
>>             discard: false
>>             description: ""
>>             hw-id: 00:50:04:ae:70:26
>>             duplex: "auto"
>>             speed: "auto"
>>             address {
>>                 prefix-length: 24
>>                 disable: false
>>             }
>>         }
>>         ethernet eth1 {
>>             disable: false
>>             discard: false
>>             description: ""
>>             hw-id: 00:48:54:8a:63:00
>>             duplex: "auto"
>>             speed: "auto"
>>             address {
>>                 prefix-length: 24
>>                 disable: false
>>             }
>>         }
>>     }
>>     service {
>>         ssh {
>>             port: 22
>>             protocol-version: "v2"
>>         }
>>         webgui {
>>             http-port: 80
>>             https-port: 443
>>         }
>>     }
>>     firewall {
>>         log-martians: "enable"
>>         send-redirects: "disable"
>>         receive-redirects: "disable"
>>         ip-src-route: "disable"
>>         broadcast-ping: "disable"
>>         syn-cookies: "enable"
>>     }
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