Marcin W. wrote:

I am evaluating your product for the purpose of importing Word documents
into web application as HTML files. I was testing the conversion and
identified a number of cases in which the resulting HTML document does
not look like its Word counterpart, mainly in terms of paragraph
indentation and spacing.

This may be normal.

*Semantic* HTML is definitely not supposed to look like Word counterpart.

Only *styled* HTML is supposed to look like Word counterpart. To our knowledge, unless you have uncovered a bug, this is in general the case.

Please compare:

Styled (X)HTML


Single page “semantic” (X)HTML 5.0

in the table found in

If we decided to purchase several of the server
licenses, is this something that would be covered by the included support?

It's difficult to answer this question. Let's say that:

* If you have found bugs, we'll fix them ASAP.

* If your customization requirements are reasonable, we'll develop customization scripts for you at no additional cost.

However, these customization scripts are just created to give you a *quick* *start*. You are really expected to take on from there and use

XMLmind Word To XML Manual, Customizing the output of w2x

to improve these customization scripts.

* If your customization requirements are deemed too important, we'll suggest that you proceed as explained here:

Quick Customization Service

XMLmind Word To XML Support List

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