The FCC needs to hear from you about the importance of protecting a free and 
open Internet. 

I just told my story at and urged the FCC to protect Net 
Neutrality, the principle that protects user choice on the Internet. Please 
join in me in doing the same. The open Internet we know and love is at stake.  

Click here to learn more and send your story to Washington now:    

Here's what I wrote: 
Net Neutrality is essential to free speech, equal opportunity and economic 
innovation in America. Since the FCC removed this basic protection in 2005, the 
top executives of phone and cable companies have stated their intention to 
become the Internet's gatekeepers and to discriminate against Web sites that 
don't pay their added tolls.

This fundamental change would end the open Internet as we know it. It would 
damage my ability to connect with others, share information and participate in 
our 21st century democracy and economy. The FCC must ensure that broadband 
providers do not block, interfere with or discriminate against any lawful 
Internet traffic based on its ownership, source or destination. 
That's my story —-- click here to tell yours!


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