Genocide is raging in Darfur, and China has not done enough to
help end it. As China cloaks its international image in the
peaceful ideals of the Olympic Games it will host this year, it
continues to arm, fund, and protect the genocidal government in

We won't let China get away with this duplicity! This week,
members of Congress, Nobel laureates, Olympic athletes, world
leaders, and Steven Spielberg all sent a strong message: China
cannot look the away while the people of Darfur suffer. 

Let's keep the momentum going! A group of organizations released
a joint statement this week outlining four essential actions
China should take, beyond private pressure on Sudan, to help end
genocide in Darfur. 

Will you join the movement? Click below to read the joint
statement and to urge China to use its power to help end

The joint statement, released by the Save Darfur Coalition,
ENOUGH Project, Genocide Intervention Network, STAND, and Dream
for Darfur highlights China's constant resistance to help end
the violence, starvation and disease that plague the people of
Darfur. But the world is watching as China prepares for the 2008

This week President Hu received letters from Congress and world
leaders while hundreds of activists gathered in 16 cities around
the world to urge China to act. With the increased pressure,
director Steven Spielberg made worldwide headlines by quitting
his post as an artistic advisor for the Olympic Games to make
sure China knows its ties to the Sudanese government are

We must capitalize on this momentum and show China that its
indifference is unacceptable. We will not let up until they
produce results! Click below to send a strong message to China.

After you have sent your message, please click below to ask your
friends and family to join you.

Thanks for all your help!

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