On 09/09/2014 12:05 AM, Jordan Justen wrote:
Since waffle changed from Apache 2.0 to BSD in
367378863bcc6801f5ae5ad786c09d39e0890370, we should avoid accepting
contributions under that license for the same reasons.

Signed-off-by: Jordan Justen <jordan.l.jus...@intel.com>

Reviewed-by: Chad Versace <chad.vers...@linux.intel.com>

The mentioning of Apache was unintentional, a product of copy-paste
from an older file.

  My recommendation is that the wording should request that BSD be
  used, but note that MIT licensed code would also be accepted.

  The reason is that I think the fewer licenses used, the easier time
  people have determining how they can use the library.

Yes, that makes sense to me.
  Isn't waffle still 100% BSD-2-clause?

I think so, on master. But Emil imported some third party code for
the WGL support. The imported code has a liberal license, but I don't
remember which one. Take a look in the third_party directory of the
'next' branch.
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