Is "shots fired" part of the route description?

-----Original Message-----
From: Warner, Paul W [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 8:37 AM
Subject: RE: Weapon?

I used a handgun once on a fishing trip.  It was backpacking into a lake off
of the Icicle Creek trail when my partner and I got separated.  Use it to
signal to him where I was.  Turned out I was on the correct trail to the
lake, but we  ended up going his way and fishing a different lake.

Jeff Mix, if you'd like the details of the route I understand the fishing is
still good in the lake we originally intended to fish.  Lots of nice sized
Twin Lakes cutthroat.

Bill Warner

> ----------
> Reply To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent:         Wednesday, December 12, 2001 8:23 AM
> Subject:      Re: Weapon?
> Roger,
> My own personal experience is that I have never had a single situation 
> fishing where I would have had any use for a gun in terms of personal 
> protection. 35yrs (15 in WA).
> One thing that never seems to come up in these discussions of armament is 
> what I would consider an intrusion into my fishing by a gun. What I mean
> by 
> this is, I would think that carrying a gun for this type of protection
> (I've 
> only carried them while hunting) would intrude on my mindset. One of the
> main 
> reasons I fish is to get out of "rat race" and achieve a little natural 
> harmony in my mind. If I were carrying a gun with me it couldn't help but 
> change the way my mind worked; even subconsciously "what's that added
> weight? 
> My gun. Why am I caring it? For protection. From what?..." All of a sudden
> there it is; a reminder that I need to fear the evil of others. I don't
> need 
> that to be a part of my fly fishing experience.
> I don't think there is any way carrying a gun for protection would not
> affect 
> someone's perceptions of what's going on around them. Situations that
> might 
> not be confrontational or threatening become so in your mind because your
> gun 
> reminds you of your need for fear. Maybe the people who carry guns are
> beyond 
> this problem but I know I never could be.
> Have fun
> Paul

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