Stephen Chape wrote:

> HELP ..... please WAMUG folks !!
> Having upgraded from 9.1 to 10.1 last weekend, I have finally got my
> email working again with the assistance of a couple of fellow WAMUG
> members. Only it works in a strange fashion. By the way I am using an
> iMac 266 with 288 MB RAM.
> I can only connect if I go into Internet Connect and then click on
> Connect. I cannot connect directly from Mail.
> I also cannot use the Web. I have tried using IE 5.1 and Netscape 4.7.
> When I try to go to a web address from IE5.1 I get the message "The
> specified server could not be found" If I first connect from within
> Internet Connect and then try to go to a web address, the little
> spinning timer just goes forever.
> I have contacted my ISP (AAPT Smartchat) and it appears that I have all
> the settings correct.

I had the same problem...

I cured it by simply deleting and re-typing the 'Name Server Address' in the
TCP/IP control panel.. From that point on everything has worked



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