Message: 5
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2001 17:16:58 +0800
From: Stephen Chape <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Flat Screen Imacs

Hi folks,

Did anyone see the story a couple of days ago from which stated
that Apple recently placed an order for 150,000 Flat Screen Displays,
fuelling speculation about a new Flat Screen iMac due in early 2002.

I can't imagine the design of an "all in one" unit with a flat screen.

Stephen Chape

I think, at an educated guess, that the form factor will not resemble the current iMac, because as wonderfully funky as they are they are an ergonomic nightmare (almost every one of the dozen or so iMacs in my area are on monitor arms or risers). Plus the translucent trend has been done to death with every thing from office furniture (Blueberry desks & chairs!) to "marital aids" (and that I'll leave to your imagination) jumping on the band wagon.

Having cruised the mac rumor sites the general consensus is it will probably be more along the iBook/iPod finish and look not all together unlike a iBook with a swivel/tilt mounted flat screen on the middle/top.

Of course, all that said, Apple have been known to throw the odd curve ball so....

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