Airport 2 works great. Port mapping seems to be limited to 10 entries
though. Not sure if this has been fixed in any recent updates.

Scott Palmer

> On 27/1/02 12:04 PM, "Mike Murray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I understand that the old airports stations wouldn't work with an ADSL
>> connection...apparently they needed a router, but that this is different
>> with Airport 2.
>> Is anyone using airport 2 with ADSL? Does it work well? I don't know the
>> technicalities so I'm a little naïve on the process.
>> Cheers
>> Mike Murray
> The older Airport Base stations work very well with ADSL. All they need is a
> software update which is available from
> It can personally say that it works very well. No router required. The APBS
> does the PPPoE authentication all by itself.
> Regards
> Matthew Healey