The Magic of the Option Key

Option + double click on folder = closes the window the folder resides
Option + click on desktop or other application = hides the current
application after switch
Option + click on the date = turns clock on and off
Option + about this Macintosh = about the finder
Option + empty trash = trashes locked items without asking
Option + window shade = window shade all open windows
Option + collapse window = collapses all windows
Option + save = saves all
Option + print = print all
Option + double click on connected user in file sharing monitor = send
Option + dragging item to another directory or desktop = copy to new
Option + resize window box = full screen view
Option + eject = eject and leave behind
Option + arrow keys + desktop picture control panel = Moves desktop picture
Option + Command + Escape = Force Quit
Option + Command at Start up = Rebuilds Desktop
Option + Command + P + R at Start up = Zaps the PRAM
Option + Command + Shift + Delete at Start up = Forces start up drive to go
off-line and start up off another drive with blessed system
Option + Command + Tab as inserting disk = Initializing Disk
Option + Command + Power = Force Sleep
Option + Command + Power + Shift = Force Shutdown
Option + Command + Memory Control Panel = Startup Memory Test Option
Option + Command + Control + Shift + Apple Menu = About MacOS Team
Option + space bar = non breaking words (when typing)
Option + Command + Control + Mouse Drag = Create Alias where mouse button is
Option + Command + o + f = on startup invokes open firmware

Other Key Commands 

Space Bar at Start up = Loads Extensions Manager before starting extensions
across your screen
Shift at Start up = Extensions Off
Tab Key in save dialog box = switches disks to save onto
Shift Key five times = enables Easy Access Control Panel
Mouse Button at start up = Ejects floppy with system before system load
starts (older systems, obviously)
C key at start up = Boots from System CD

Scott Palmer
Multimedia Specialist
Phone: 0418 946 387 

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