Hi ŒMuggers

A list colleague from Bunbury has rung in some distress because his new(ish)
iBook is refusing to boot up properly after installing OS X. He has rung me
to see if I can get some help from the list. The iBook will chime as per
usual at start up, but with no screen display. I have searched the archives
and found one message referring to a similar problem with an iBook and OSX
which was solved by zapping the PRAM, but unfortunately the iBook in
question also refuses to be zapped ­ it won¹t chime any more than once.
Strangely, he can¹t open the CD drawer to try and boot from disc, so we are
a bit flummoxed. I¹m not familiar with the iBook or OSX, so my phone
ministrations have not been much help beyond the basic trouble shooting.

The machine is a new style iBook with 128MB RAM ­ not sure of the processor
size ­ which had been operating very happily on OS 9.

If anyone can help, I¹ll relay the info.



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]