>> Hi all,
>> encountered a strange problem. My G4 (Gigabit 450x2) refuses
>> to start up ever since I installed the latest firmware patch. It turns
>> on goes through the disk first aid screen then proceeds to start
>> up. Before any extentions load the cursor turns into the black and
>> white spinning disk. It stays like this for about 3 minutes after
>> witch it turns into a bomb. After this nothing happens.
> You mean the cursor turns into a bomb? Or a dialog box with a bomb in
> it is displayed?

The Cursor turns into a bomb after about 3 minutes of inactivity. I have
never seen it happen before. I'm using the G4 now but when I restart it will
do it again. 

> You don't mention what version of the OS you're running. Also try
> removing the 'Servers' folder from inside your system folder on the
> off chance your machine is trying to mount a remote volume. Also set
> your startup volume again from the Startup disks control panel.

OS Z1-9.2.2 and Just installed Firmware Updater 4.2.8
Also just Installed ATI Retail drivers which may be the problem. The error
occurs just before my monitor usually changes resolution at startup just
before loading the extentions.

I will remove and re-install the ATI Extensions. The strange thing is I cant
use the installers on my machine. I get a strange message "The program
cannot run on your computer. See documentation for more information" and of
course there is no documentation.

Has this happened to anyone else? I always get errors that say "this update
cannot be used on this machine" especially G4 updates.
>> The only way I can get it to start up is by pressing the grey button
>> on the motherboard to reset the system clock.
> Be careful doing that. If you press the button twice in succession on
> some models you can crash the Power Manager and do bad things.

It's only done good things so far.

I'm pretty sure that the problem is with the ATI update. I think it may have
installed RADEON drivers rather than 128 Rage Pro drivers.

Does anyone know exactly what update should be used on the G4 Dual 450
(Gigabit Ethernet). I have never been able to find the correct installer.

Is there a way to test that a video card is working to its full potential?

Thanks again

> Have fun,
> Shay