Thought some WAMUGgers may like to see this article:

(from Canberra Times, Monday June 17, 2002)


Macs cheaper

Here's a bit of cheer for the Apple Macintosh fans. Macs -- far from 
being more expensive than Windows PCs, as is popularly believed -- are 
cheaper to buy and run, according to an Australian survey by respected 
market research company Gartner.

The study was conducted at Melbourne University's Arts Faculty, which 
has 4676 Macs and 5338 Windows PCs. It compared direct costs such as 
hardware and software, peripheral devices, upgrades, service, support 
and depreciation. It also looked at the indirect costs of supporting end 
users, training time and unproductive downtime.

The bottom line, according to Gartner: technical support for a Windows 
PC costs an outfit like Melbourne Uni an average $2522 a year, for a Mac 
-- because the machine is easier to use and less crash-prone -- the cost 
is only $1953 a year.

Basic hardware and software costs were actually lower for the Mac also, 
Gartner said.




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