Phillip McGree wrote:
Nup, they're wrong.... I have a regular client who is on iiNet ADSL with a beige G3.

Completely wrong. Mixed OS X/ OS 9/ OS 8.6/Debian/Airport network here with no issues.

However, before you sign up with iiNet, check out the ADSL choices for Perth at:

There's a deal with EON that's 512/128 with 7 gig a month for $99. Primus is a better deal than either iiNet or Telstra as well.

Iinet's 512/128 offering is now 3 gig a month at full speed and as much as you like after that slowed to 56K, for $79.95, with cheaper deals available - 2G for $69.95, 1G for $59.95, 300M for $49.95. No excess traffic charges any more on the Home accounts, just "shaping" after your limit is reached.
Lara Hopkins