Hiya all,

I got a spam email from an auctioneer in Armadale today.

>From the address that he sent it to, I can immediately identify that he got 
>the email address from another auction place in Midland (ie thanks to having 
>my own domain name, I use a different email address for each "commercial" 
>email list, eg [EMAIL PROTECTED]).

I rang spammer auctioneer and had a go at him, and asked where he got the email 
addresses from. Once he realised that I had a clue, he hung up on me.

I emailed Midland auctioneer and their response so far has been that they send 
all their stuff out via BCC (ie blind carbon copy), so he wouldn't have gotten 
the addresses from them. But the specific email address that I have used 
indicates that spammer has someone gotten access to Midland's database.

So now I'm curious... there's all this new privacy legislation these days, so 
does anyone know what a business' obligations are to protect our email 




Sent from the Apple PowerBook G4 of:
Phillip McGree Web: http://www.phil.net.au
Perth, Western Australia        http://chat.iinet.net.au
Mobile Phone: 0418 922 500      Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Macs for sale - new and secondhand      http://mac.iinet.net.au