This was covered last week on the list but here goes!

If transferring between both Macs and Windoze PC's, you'll need to get the
Windoze version of the iPod.

This is because Windoze machines cannot read a Mac formatted (?HFS) iPod,
however a Mac can read both HFS and IBM formats.

Hope this helps

Daniel F

On 29/08/2002 14:21, "lizziew6" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am currently throeing up the idea of getting an iPod to use as a
> data storage unit to take files to and from different computers
> The reason I want one is because I am currently having to carry
> large graphic files on a number of zip disks between a MAC and
> a PC. (I am having disk problems as a result of this)
> What I want to know is whether you can use the MAC version
> iPod and attatch it to the PC to transfer data . Is that
> possible????
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