
It looks like people these days really don't care for Christmas spirit, eh? Glad to see you didn't lose your precious, Phil! My friend got his laptop, mobile phone and wallet stolen on christmas eve while he was sleeping. Eerily similar to Phil's story except they came in through the window. Thing is there were THREE people in the house and they all slept through it!

I guess you really need good security these days.

As for sleeping with your laptop, I am probably as geeky as the rest of you guys and gals, but that (for me) is just that little bit too far! My solution is to just use a kensington security cable on my powerbook, and attach it to something big, in my case the cable hole in my office table. I'm pretty sure they'll at least need to make some noise to get it out of there! Also if I slept with my pbook, I could well end up rolling onto it, as I have done with countless walkmans and other devices in the past and end up wrecking the display or something.

While I like security, I don't know whether I'd go the whole hog with security grills etc. I am reminded of the vietnamese family recently who got burnt alive in their home. Their placed had security grills over all the windows so they couldn't get out through them and no one could save them either! All your really need is a good alarm with motion sensors and some pepper spray handy. The alarm will scare off 90% of burglars, the other 10% will try anyway regardless of your security measures. I've been robbed in a fully secured place - they just came through the roof instead!


On 29/12/2003, at 8:05 AM, WAMUG Mailing List wrote:

Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2003 11:03:35 +0800
From: Phillip McGree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OT: House burglary tonight

Yup, I'll be faxing all the pawnbroker shops in the next few days. And here I was thinking that I would never use the fax function in 10.3! And I'll be getting some cops that I know socially to keep an eye on recovered goods records.

My emptied wallet was found around the corner from here this morning. Damn, that was my last $100 so now I'm left with $3.35 to my name and a bloody empty stomach! These kids are bloody experienced, even the hidden compartments that nosey girlfriends, etc, normally don't find had been gone through.

Rather miffed about losing my camera though... now I can't take any photos of the ripper grazes that I've got on my right knee and hand from when I fell over whilst chasing the car down the road.

Moral of the story... don't leave your PowerBook on your desk at night, always take it to bed with you! My geekiness/nerdiness paid off, I always take my PowerBook to bed at night (the cat to, but he always runs away as soon as he can). :-)

I've been wondering all day if these kids will ever come back now that they have seen the masses of Mac stuff that I have in this house. But then again... I'm 6 foot tall, 118kg... big ugly fat bastard, particularly unattractive when running across the front yard at 3:30am in nothing but old underpants. Being chased by this huge pissed off pale bloke who's bare skin hasn't seen sunshine in many years must have had them at least a tad concerned.

Would have been a classic for Funniest Home Videos... if I had the whole iSight thing set up I would still have lost my camera, but could have won a new replacement one with the video.


"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." - Thomas A. Edison