> > >BTW - how has this hideous fault remained in OSX for so long? Surely
> > >there's an equivalent of 'sudo -k' - a way the finder can explicitly
> > >drop priveleges?
> > 
> > It's Apple's Authorisation services, not the unix privilege mechanism 
> > that are behind the problem.
> Yes, but such authorisations can be explicitly revoked (same principle
> as `sudo -k`). Craig's question: why doesn't this occur?
> PS. I haven't tried this stuff. I wonder if a login hook can be used to
> "effectively" fix this?

After that 1 minute window expires, Authorisation Services does
revoke BBEdit/Finder/Everything's authorisation to edit these
files. So it's not _so_ bad, except it still has plenty of
opportunity to set another program/script to run at startup as
root. Which could do anything to you.

Also, for that minute or so, it has full unquestioned write
access to the NetInfo database in
/private/var/db/netinfo/local.nidb/  ... it's a trivial matter
to search through and remove the string
"authentication_authority ;ShadowHash;" (plus several
non-printing characters) and all of a sudden, you stop needing
passwords to login to accounts, which may/may-not include
FileVaulted ones. Bad, bad...

The only reason Apple hasn't patched this fault already HAS to
be that nobody's bothered exploiting it yet -- especially if
it's just a change to /etc/authorization. Which equates to
'security through obscurity'. They have issued 5 security updates
since 10.3.

Can you describe the required fix Shay? Google aint cooperating.
