On Fri, 2004-05-14 at 19:26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Does anyone know if it is possible for the following computers to run 
> an airport card:
> Performa 6400
> PowerMac G3 Beige Desktop

If they have PCI (I /think/ they do), it should be possible to fit a PCI
802.11b card, so long as you can get Mac drivers for it.

I don't think these machines have a Mini-PCI slot, so AFAIK the normal
"AirPort" cards (which are Mini-PCI) from Apple will not work.

It would help to know what MacOS version you're running on those

There's always Sonnet Technologies - the same people who do G4 upgrade
cards, etc. They seem rather pricey, but I've had people recommend them
as the place to go for upgrades that are guranteed to work in macs.

Try this:

> Also, is it possible for HP Laserprinters 4MP to go wireless?

If your 4MP has a JetDirect card (network card), you can simply hook up
an access point to the ethernet port. The AP will act as a bridge, and
the printer won't know it's not talking over wired ethernet.

You also expose yourself to some fun security issues doing this, so make
sure to AT LEAST enable WEP/WPA on your AP, and preferably lock it to
your computer's WiFi MAC address.

Your other alternative is to buy a dedicated "wireless printer server"
that connects to the printer's parallel port. This is a good choice if
your printer doesn't have a JetDirect card, and may be better anyway.
AFAIK the parallel port is considerably slower than Ethernet, though, so
you may encounter a performance penalty. 

Personally, my I keep my 4M (with JetDirect) on my wired LAN, and print
to it wirelessly over an encrypted connection to my firewall. Then
again, I have a decent-sized home network and work with computers for a
living. (Not that you'd know it sometimes, it seems...).

Craig Ringer