Scientific, research and engineering applications *not* currently on Mac OS

Complete the online form to request a scientific or engineering application
(Commercial or Open Source) that you'd like to see on Mac OS X. You can
include applications developed for Mac OS 9 that are not yet available on
Mac OS X.

This information will be used to help Apple provide more great solutions for
the ever-growing OS X science community!

"Call for Applications" form:

Andrew Jeffrey                      Phone:  +61 2 9641 8231
AUC Programs Manager                Fax:    +61 2 9641 8160
Apple University Consortium         Mobile: +61 4 0999 2019
16 Rodborough Road                  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Frenchs Forest                      http://www.auc.edu.au
New South Wales, AUSTRALIA  2086    <"Illegitimi non carborundum">

unimactech mailing list

=========================== Shay  Telfer ================================
 Perth, Western Australia   Technomancer  Join Team Sungroper in the
 Opinions for hire              [POQ]     2005 World Solar Challenge
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]         fnord     <http://sungroper.asn.au/>