On Fri, 2004-07-23 at 20:32, Stephen Chape wrote:

> Does anyone know how to get the images off a Powerpoint presentation as 
> individual JPG's ? I must be dumb or blind because I cannot see it in 
> the help menus.

I don't know if there's an "official" way, but I've had some success
with copying and pasting the images into a graphics app then saving the
resulting file. 

My usual method is to open the document in OpenOffice, save it in the
OpenOffice native format, unzip the OpenOffice file (they're really just
Zip files) and extract the graphics. This is clumsy, but easier then
manually copying,pasting, and saving a large number of images. It has
the added advantage that it doesn't involve decoding and re-encoding the
image, which is important if you're dealing with a JPEG image of already
marginal quality.

I'd suggest you try copy and paste first, not least because OpenOffice
isn't exactly staple fare on the mac at the moment.

If someone can say "no, you idiot, here's the easy way" I'll be
delighted, as this is something that's been irritating me for a while.
Some advertisers will insist on ignoring our accepted formats list and
send their logo etc as part of a word document. Sometimes we have people
send a word document with just an image in it. My favourite is when I
ask for them to send just the image as a separate attachment ... so they
create a new word doc, insert the image, and send us that.

Craig Ringer