On 4/11/04 3:48 PM, "Richard Kay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 29/10/2004, at 2:51 PM, Rod wrote:
>> Hi All!
>> For the Star Wars nuts, the trailer for Episode III is due on Nov 8
>> (Nov 2 for those who have joined Hyperspace).  The teaser poster is up
>> on the web already.
>> Let's hope the final installment is a good one!
>> <Back to the mac discussions.  Sorry for the interruption, folks>
>> Seeya
>> Rod!
> And the verdict is?
> Do you know when it is going up on the Apple website?
> Feel free to email it to me if you want to (I have an 8MB limit on my
> mail account). ;-)
> Is it available, through you, to WAMUG members, BEFORE 8 November?
> rmkay

Trailer is not out until the 8th to us plebs.  I'm not a member of
Hyperspace, so I haven't seen it yet.  Suprisingly the trailer has not
appeared on any of the usual *dubious* sources, other than a couple of still
snapshots.  I guess the trailer is being streamed on starwars.com, rather
than being available for download.  Anakin looks like he has gone through
hell, but I couldn't tell you any more than that.

As the full trailer has not been released yet, I'd guess a decent screen
size quicktime movie will be much bigger than 8 meg.  We might be lucky to
see it appear on the WAMUG server......Hi Matt!

