I think you kinda missed the point on Andrew's post Greg.  Have another look
at your subject line.......then have a think of what product comes out of
Canberra that you generally can't buy anywhere else in Australia :-)



On 14/11/04 11:22 PM, "Greg Sharp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> If you know the name of one of these places or contact details that would be
> great. Another WAMugger is also checking if they have a copy but if not your
> info could be essential.
> Thanks
> Greg Sharp
> On 15/11/04 12:55 AM, "Andrew Nielsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm led to believe that such an item might be procured in a brown
>> paper package from a variety of stores in Fyshwick in the ACT ;-)
>> -- 
>> Andrew Nielsen  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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