Hi everyone,

Does anyone on the list use Garageband?  I'm in the process of deciding what
sort of specs I'll need to be using this effectively - I'm quite impressed
with this bit of software.  I've had a play with a G5 1.8, a G4 Powerbook
12" and 15" and a G4 12" ibook - all of which had 256MB which didn't seem to
be enough - after programming a few basic tracks, the system informed me
that it didn't have enough memory to run what I was doing.  I don't have
much hope for my G3 Imac.

I currently have an XP PC that I use for audio production, which is a PIV
2.8 with a gig of RAM, which works fine for recording and mixing - would I
need to be looking at least a gig of RAM for Garageband, or possibly more?  

I'm quite tempted to get a G4 Powerbook for portability (so my angsty music
about the vending machine outside the office can be recorded when it next
steals my choc chip cookie) though as I find with working on my PC, hard
disk space is an issue so maybe a G5 Powermac with a hard disk or two could
be the way to go?

Any suggestions would be welcome - I like Garageband but I'm sure I'll pick
up some more music software for the Mac once I get hooked on using it, so
any advice/experience about audio production on a Mac would be appreciated.

