Hi, using my EyeTV, I often record programs which I want to put on DVDs for viewing on our TV. However, find that the disks I make have lots of little pauses, which gets annoying over the course of a program. This is a consistent problem, and nothing to do with the recordings themselves, which are perfect when viewed on the computer.

PowerPC 1.25 gig, 1gig RAM
El Gato EyeTV  digital receiver
EyeTV software 1.7.1
Toast Titanium 6.0.7 for burning DVD's
DVD superdrive: Pioneer DVR--108 internal

The programs doing something called 'multiplexing' which is quite fast compared with 'encoding', which is what happens to my home videos when I want to burn them to DVD.

Has anyone had a similar problem and come up with a solution.

cheers, Susan.
Susan Hastings
Registered Psychologist
Suite 20, Level 1
755 Albany Highway
East Victoria Park  WA  6101
Telephone: (08) 9262 0446
Mobile: 0409 688 004