I have just upgraded from 10.2.8 to 10.3.6 then downloaded the 10.3.8 updater. I am working on it to send this email which at least tells me some things are ok. I have the dock showing so can use most that was in my dock [address book wont work] and with 10.2.8 I was using alias menu so once i bring up anything in the dock I get top tool bar with the alias pull down menus and can open those applications etc

BUT I have no finder and finder, the finder icon in dock does not work and anything else that was on the desktop has vanished too...........how can I get my finder back and desktop stuff without having to do a clean install?

I did do a full backup yesterday just to be on the safe side but wold rather not have to go down that track.

Try restarting the machine, I find that sometimes the finder just locks up.

Also, run Disk Utility and do a Repair Privileges.

Try booting with the shift key held down to disable any 3rd party kernel extensions. If this works then you'll need to work out which extensions to remove, as one's obviously causing some problems.

Good luck,
=========================== Shay  Telfer ================================
 Perth, Western Australia   Technomancer  Join Team Sungroper in the
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