Thank you Peter for your prompt and concise answer. much appreciated

On 01/11/2005, at 10:42 PM, bill cole wrote:

G'day, running G5, 1.8, 768 mem, just installed 10.4.3.
 launched Safari 2.0.1,
box displayed stating " Simbl Error " Safari 2.0.2(v416.12)has not been tested with the plugin(null)(null)(v0.6) as a precaution it has not been loaded. although when you close the box Safari works ok

On 02/11/2005, at 8:35 AM, Peter Hinchliffe wrote:

VersionTracker has a listing for SIMBL as follows:

"SIMBL is plugin enabler used by many popular modules (most notably PithHelmet) to modify and extend various applications. The source and basic tutorials are available for developers."

and from the PithHelmet site:

"PithHelmet does not work with Safari 2.0.2 yet. I have been very busy lately, but I will have an update shortly."

What is PithHelmet?

"PithHelmet is an extended site preferences and ad blocking plugin for Apple's Safari browser. The basic purpose of the plugin is to empower you the user to view the web as you like. You can block ad images, Flash, Shockwave or horrible midi loops - the world is your oyster."

Dump it until they update it. Or forget about it all together would be my preference...

Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Fax (618) 9332 0913
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.