it would seem to be a simple query but how do you create a formula in FMpro 8 that will calculate ages accurately - all the options/ permutations of DATE functions i have tried have a problem with leap- years ie they will calculate ages accurately for birth-dates _not_ in a leap-year but for those people born in a leap-year, they have to wait for an extra day to grow older. so, eg: if someone had a birthday yesterday, born in 2000 they would not be calculated to be 5 years old until today whereas someone born on 6/12/2001 would have had their 4th birthday yesterday. i haven't tested this for birth-dates pre-Feb 29 but would suspect they might be OK?
(i even tried to make allowance for the 100-year discrepancy)

is this a FM problem per se?
or just my own inadequacy?
is there a simple solution or does it require a somewhat complex calculation to account for leap-years?
(Excel also seems to have the same problem.)

incidentally, if anyone would like a copy of FMpro 6, i have one (with manuals etc) - quite legitimate as i upgraded to 8 with a full version.

peter meyer
0408 902349