A 3d desktop, is an interesting concept, but SUN
coming out with a pretty gui?  Ok, I admit, i've been
a bit sceptical of SUN's GUI design ever since around
1998-1999 when they came out with some new gui and
totally confused the unix geeks for weeks.

My prediction is that Windows will do 3d desktops
second or barely first and in either case, okay.  Sun,
if they do it... it will be far worse.  (Sun computers
are known for reliability not a beutiful gui.)  If
Apple is thinking about it, we should hear about it in
the Apple Developer conference mid this year, and if
they do it, it will be truly impressive.  Apple has a
long standing reputation for their great GUI design. 
(Not that I'm saying anything new here) .  But I
guess, you have to wonder what is gained by a 3d gui,
and I guess I'll have to see it before I really grasp
the concept.


--- Rod Lavington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All!
> <http://www.sun.com/software/looking_glass/>
> Probably old hat by now (I notice that an early
> version of Longhorn stole this idea before it was
> "shelved"), but the demo is very cool.  I love the
> idea of turning around the video or webpage to
> reveal a sticky note :-)  In some sense it made OS X
> look kind of boring.  Maybe we will see something
> like that in 10.5?  Apple have been very quiet about
> 10.5 since it was announced last May.
> Seeya
> Rod!
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