James Devenish wrote:

Hi Ruben,

I don't think iCal has this feature built in. However, perhaps there
is some third-party software that extends iCal (just like there's
software that extends Safari).

If not, you can "do it yourself", even though it's not as elegant as
setting the preference in iCal. Basically, go to your Terminal and
enter "sudo pmset schedule wake '01/02/03 04:05:06'. Check that the
format is MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss (note it's the US date format). Also, you
need to use pairs of two digits (so you must use '04:05:06' not
Thanks Ruben, that command is certainly going into a text file for safe keeping :-) I wonder, could this be incorporated into an AppleScript and then scheduled using iCal?

So when you wanted to reuse it you could open the script, change the time and save it again.
Then schedule it to run in iCal.

I've used applescripts to close apps using iCal but I wouldn't know to use shell commands in applescripts.

