On 01/03/2006, at 11:36 PM, Stephen Chape wrote:
Hello WAMUG folks,

I recently purchased an Imation 256MB thumb drive so that I can take photo files to have them printed.

On the third time that I used it for this purpose, I copied photos to it and took it to Harvey Norman in Midland. I plugged it into the "photo making device" and 9 files appeared.

I thought "OK ... I must have copied 4 extra files by mistake".
So I ordered got prints for all of them.

When I got home I plugged it into my eMac to delete the files, but only the 5 origianl files appeared.

HUH !!!!!
What the ????

Can anyone explain ?

Without seeing the directory listing, I'd say four of the images had "Resource Forks" in the form of previews or custom icons attached to them.

Under Mac OS X we don't see these as separate files, but under Windows these preview/icons are shown as a separate file (I think with a leading underscore or period)

When you got your prints back, did you get 5 or 9? And if 9, where there two copies of 4 of them?

Nicholas Pyers  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

          "Heaven on Earth?"
          "No, Earth on Earth.  The Just Earth!"