Your much better to grab the original footage again if
that is an option.  Whenever you convert footage back
and forth, you will loose out on some quality.

If the original data has been erased then try this:

I'm sending you a link to two wmv to mpeg converters. 
imovie should import mpeg with no problems.  But both
software packages are shareware.  I don't know what
their conditions are (maybe they will let you run
their program for awhile before they ask you to pay).


--- Rosemary Horton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've recently shot a video with the school's camera,
> and did not have  
> a firewire cable so downloaded it to my Windows
> machine at work where  
> it saved as wmv file. I copied this, but on my mac ,
> imovie doesn't  
> see it, won't import it. I downloaded a program
> called ffmpegx which  
> claims to convert, but the conversions all contain 0
> I can watch it on my powermac with quicktime, but
> can't edit it in  
> imovie
> Any advice?
>   Rosemary Horton
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