but notice the "under 30 minutes" one was for users who already had local non admin accounts on the target machine with attacks launched via ssh terminal sessions on a mac OSX server. the successful attacker found a way to escalate their account privileges up from a standard (non admin) user to admin privileges (or at least privileges high enough to get write access in to the web sites directory. These sort of loopholes and backdoors have been found in all multi user systems and should not be a major chore to fix.

most desktop users would not have enabled SSH sharing anyway (which is off by default) so 99.99% non OSX Server macs should be totally immune to said attack .

This is obviously a security issue but an issue only with malicious current users or hacks by outsiders who use dictionary attacks when you have admins who allow users to have use non secure passwords (like "Password" "Monday") and simple user ID's (like "bob", "john" "Jane") - this approach being a time intensive script bassed raw force attack launched from a single (or a number of "zombie bots") should generate enough alarm bells about excessive log in attempts from certain narrow range of IP addresses in the servers log transcripts to notify the administrator/owner worth their pay/salt to notice them.

the mac server in the second challenge, without local SSH user privileges, has as at time of the articles publication, yet to be to be compromised beyond being bombed off line by a denial-of-service attack - something that in most secured sites would be prevented by routers and firewalls running to a null address any attack once suspicious activity is detected (though this of course has the same effect to legit users outside of the secure perimeter of making the machine appear to be offline).

Interesting article "Mac OS X hacked in under 30 minutes" and "Another Mac OS X hack challenge launched".


Ray Forma
Tel & Fax 61 (0)8 9335 6568
Mob 61 (0) 428 596938

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