1) Though I didn't get any feedback on the Tiger networking problem, I have
now got it working but still have no idea what the problem was. I thought
the work through might help someone in the future so:
i) I didn't think the router was the problem but to be sure tried just
connecting the computers (direct computer to computer ethernet cable).
Problem was still the same. This configuration had worked OK before I had
tried the router.
ii) Tried repairing permission on the G5 iMac - no change.
iii) Tried re-booting the G5 iMac - now working as expected
iv) Re-configured network with the router - all working.
Since web-sharing had been working it appears the problem was with file
sharing on the G5 iMac (running Tiger). I have no idea what the problem was
just that repairing permissions didn't help but a re-boot did. If anyone has
any ideas what the problem was I'd be interested to know.

2) I'm still not sure if the inability of the OS 9.1 powerbook to access the
internet via the shared dial-up connection from the G4 iMac is a settings
problem or an inherent limitation of OS9 that would be solved by upgrading
to OSX. Could anyone enlighten me on this?

3) Thanks to Bob Howells for feedback regarding what OS to upgrade to on the
Powerbook he suggests that 10.3.9 should be OK (with sufficient RAM) but
that tiger might be too much. Since I leapfrogged from Jaguar to Tiger, I
don't have Panther & don't feel inclined to spend money on an outdated OS
but since I did buy a Jaguar update a while back I might give that a go on
the powerbook.



on 07/04/06 12:35, Neil Houghton at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm shortly going to make the leap to broadband. I decided to try to cover
> all bases with a combined ADSL2/Wifi/VOIP router and bought the Billion
> BiPAC 7402 VGP - I also liked the fact that it would fail the phone back to
> PSTN if the internet dropped out or power was lost.
> I'm still looking at various ADSL & phone plans and expect I will have to
> wait a while till ADSL2 makes it to the Albany exchange :(
> In the meantime I thought I would get the networking side of things up &
> running. Set-up will be:
> 1) iMac G4 flat panel running OSX 10.2.8 connected to router by ethernet.
> Since this also has a modem I intend to use this for dial-up fall-back if
> ADSL is down I was also thinking of setting this up to send/receive faxes
> and get rid of my fax machine (I don't do a lot of faxing nowadays!)
> 2) iMac G5 running 10.4.3 (soon to be upgraded to 10.4.6) this will be my
> main machine and will be connected wirelessly - but I connected it up (to
> the router) via ethernet to get everything working before going wireless.
> 3) 400 MHz G4 Ti Powerbook running OS 9.1 - I'm still using this a lot more
> than I should.... crashes and all!! My intention is to transfer everything
> to my main machine wipe this sucker clean and then see how it goes with OSX
> and a cheap PMCIA 802.11g card. In the meantime I hooked it up (to the
> router) via ethernet.
> So far, mostly it's working as I expected. In particular:
> - All machines can ping the router.
> - I can access the router set-up page from browsers on any machine.
> - All machine are being allocated IP addresses from the router.
> Where I am having a problem is in file sharing from the G5 iMac:
> - All machines can connect to shared volumes on the G4 powerbook
> - All machines can connect to shared volumes on the G4 iMac
> - Neither of the G4 machines can connect to the G5 iMac either via "go to
> server" on the G4 imac (which shows the G5 iMac but times out when trying to
> connect) or via the chooser on the Powerbook (which doesn't show the
> computer but if the IP address is input comes back with "No response from
> the server - Please try again")
> The problem does not seem to be the actual ethernet networking; if I turn on
> Personal Web Sharing both other computers can access the default web pages
> (both computer and personal) on the G5 iMac - however even though Personal
> file sharing is turned on I seem unable to access the computer at the
> afp//192.xxx.x.x address which it lists.
> Is there some other control box/ system preference which I need to activate?
> (The firewall on the G5 iMac is OFF at present so that shouldn't be a
> problem) What am I missing??!!
> -------------------------------
> On a slightly different issue - if I connect to the internet via dial-up on
> the G4 iMac and turn on internet sharing then I can also browse from the g5
> iMac (so far so good) however I don't seem able to connect to the internet
> via this shared connection from the OS9.1 powerbook. Is this a set-up issue
> or an inherent limitation of OS9. Would I have the same problem connecting
> to broadband served through the billion from OS9 also or is it just a
> feature of the software routing which the iMac is doing.
> Either way, would I be right to think that I would not have a problem if the
> powerbook was running OSX?
> Which leads me to:
> I realise the 400MHz G4 Ti powerbook is getting a bit long in the tooth but
> what would be the best OS to upgrade to and still have reasonable
> performance - could it handle tiger or would jaguar be better?
> Neil

Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Fax: +61 8 9841 6137