By an intel iMac and install boot camp and windows.
You know you want to.

We have been installing all the great PC games like Half Life that we never
got to play on the new Intel Macs in the showroom here at Team Digital.

Also Photoshop CS2 runs better in Windows on a dual core CPU Macbook Pro
that it does on a dual PPC G5 running Tiger. That sucks.

On 21/4/06 3:25 PM, "Severin Crisp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am trying to run GoogleEarth under VPC7/WIN XP on a G5 1.8/10.4.6
> At start up Google Earth tells me that it prefers "Direct X" mode but
> as that is blocked I should use "Open GL" which will be slower.
> Eventually the Google Earth window opens with all the places, contols
> and other bits showing but the main map window remains black.
> Has any other lunatic like me had experience with this combination?
> Google Earth runs beautifully in Mac direct mode but the upgrade to
> access many high resolution shots, for the $20 fee, is available only
> for PC at present and the higher resolution is what I am after.  Not
> quite such a looney idea perhaps!?  And it is vital to identify my
> wife's cousin's house in Surrey!
> Severin Crisp
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