Hi Mac,

A quick fix might be to use iPhoto Library Manager to set (or re-set) permissions for the Library in question.

Software at <http://homepage.mac.com/bwebster/iphotolibrarymanager.html>

It lets you view and change the permissions of your libraries, and is extra handy if you want to use more than one iPhoto Library.



On 26/04/2006, at 4:25 PM, Malcolm McCallum wrote:

Hi everyone I have a problem. Because of certain activities by my youngest grandchild 21/12 :-) I have done a complete re-install of my wife's iMac G4 1Ghz. I have also installed for the first time iPhoto 6. When I ran the iPhoto program for the first time it told me,as expected that it would need to update iPhoto which I accepted and it got on to do it. Then came the crunch

"Unable to upgrade this photo library because the current user does not have access. If possible, repair permissions for the iPhoto Library Folder and try again.

The path of the item that failed is "/Users/sue/Pictures/iPhoto Library/2003/06/14/Originals/IMG_1200.JPG"

I have thrown this img away but it just replaces it with another vand I think will go through all the imgs. I have repaired permissions but was wondering what to do next and why has it happened.

thanks for any help,

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