This is the list of stuff remaining from my earlier post - one more week
before it all goes into the trash.


PowerMac PPC 8500/132  64mb Ram 1Gb HD OS 9.1 + extra internal 4Gb HD ­
working order

Apple Colour RGB Monitor 13" - the original Apple colour monitor, working

Macintosh IIsi 16mb Ram 160mb HD OS 7.6.1 ­ working order

Montage Film Recorder FR1 4000 dpi - x 2, both working order. These are SCSI
digital imaging to 35mm film devices for exposing computer images,
Powerpoint, etc to 35mm colour slide or negative film at 4,000 dpi.

Apple Laserwriter II NTx laser printer- working order

Apple Laserwriter II NT laser printer- working order, I think...

Umax S-12 A4 Scanner SCSI - working order

Kurta ADB Graphics Tablet 12" x 12", with pen - working order

Duo Mini Dock - working order
Duo spare battery - fits 2300c, 280c - would probably need reconditioning

Numerous assorted ADB keyboards, mice
Large variety of assorted SCSI cables
Numerous  ethernet AAUI adapters, etc