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On 30/8/06 1:18 PM, "Mervyn & Giuliana Bond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am currently running 10.2.8 on G4.
> Some of my voluntary works involves desktop publishing.  To edit
> photos I use a version of Photoshop that runs in Classsic,
> Unfortunately my budget doesn't run to Creative Suite so if anyone
> knows of a shareware or modestly priced application that would
> convert colour to greyscale, edit colour, resize (dimensions but
> maintain resolution) and can run on OS 10.2.8, I would be most
> appreciative.  I do have Graphic Converter but with some of the
> functions I am not sure what is happening to the "insides" of my
> photo.
> Ideas appreciated.
> Merv