Still Cannot get SBS 31 or Channel 9

a) Do you have a set top box that shows a signal strength (or the El Gato) on the other channels? Digital TV tuners are very picky. If its very strong sometimes you need to use an attenuator to bring the signal DOWN to a useable level

b) Is the antenna lead split anywhere to other devices? If so try unplugging everything else

c) What is the antenna cable? I frequently see really good antennas on really poor cable. The only thing worth using these days is the quad shielded RG6 coax made by someone like Belden

d) I've had to do 'tricks' on some set top boxes I've installed : where I can't tune a particular channel I take the box home (where I get everything) and then take it back to the install sight where it mysteriously works (i.e. its receives that channel, but it just can't scan for it)

Does the El Gato stuff support exporting channel lists? If so try importing someone elses channel list to see if (d) works.

Hope some of this might help!

Cheers, Antony.

=                            =                                   =
=   Antony N. Lord           =         =
=   [EMAIL PROTECTED]       =     Perth, Western Australia      =
=                            =                                   =