Hi Bill,

Look in System Preferences/Accounts/Login Items and see if Image Capture is listed.
If so, Delete or Hide it.


On 24/07/2007, at 6:36 PM, bill parker wrote:


I have a beast on my desktop that will not go away.

Its a window that states:

"Failed to connect to device
-check the I/F cable connection between the device and your computer.
please turn OFF the device once, and the turn ON the device again.

Then try again.

The window has an icon of a camera looking, in design, much like those old jigsaw style extension icons in Classic.

IT has an "OK" blue window which does not respond. The window does not disappear whether or not I send the machine to sleep, or shut it down. I re-appears whatever I do. How can I destroy this beast? I have tried hooking up the only two devices I plug in - a camera (using I/F) and a hard drive with no effect.

PowerBook  G4   10.4.10


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