Oops. See what you mean. Second dot point is iMovie specific...

" iMovie requires a Mac with an Intel processor, a Power Mac G5 (dual 2.0GHz
or faster), or an iMac G5 (1.9GHz or faster)."

On 8/8/07 7:07 PM, "Steven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> First dot points states...
> " Mac computer with an Intel, PowerPC G5, or PowerPC G4 processor."
> On 8/8/07 7:01 PM, "Mark Heeler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Mmmm...
>> Looks like this is a expensive iMovie upgrade:
>> http://www.apple.com/ilife/systemrequirements.html
>> No G4 support - looks like a new Computer for me...
>> On 08/08/2007, at 3:50 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>> On 08/08/2007, at 11:24 AM, Martin Hill wrote:
>>>> Everyone who has been recently considering buying a new video
>>>> camera should be pleased by the new iMovie '08.  It now natively
>>>> supports the MPEG-2 and AVCHD formats used by the latest hard disk
>>>> equipped video cameras like the the JVC Everio series and the
>>>> latest Panasonic and Sony HDD cameras (and some new mini-DVD
>>>> cameras which use AVCHD as well) .
>>>> http://www.apple.com/ilife/imovie/
>>>> Looks like it does still need to convert on import, but at least
>>>> we can do away with having to use other software to convert it
>>>> into a format iMovie understands.  I'm hoping that it is a general
>>>> Quicktime feature update so Quicktime Player and other Quicktime
>>>> compatible software will be able to natively work with such
>>>> formats as well.
>>>> Looks like a very major upgrade all round.
>>>> hurrah!
>>>> -Mart
>>> Wonderful news Matt.
>>> I've been waiting for an update to iMovie to handle MPEG-2 format.
>>> Yay ..... I might be able to do away with having to use MPEG Edit
>>> EX to convert my MOD files from  my  JVC Everio HDD GZ_MG37AA  -
>>> 30GB HD.
>>> Will be interesting to see how well it converts the MOD (MPEG-2)
>>> files.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni

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