I have had similar issues on many of our ADSL lines caused by 2 main culprits :

* ADSL line filters giving up the ghost
* Phone line problems

In 90% of cases replacing the filters on the other devices works. If its ADSL2+ I can make one wise recommendation - get a central line filter.


These are about $30 from places like MM Electrical. Very easy to install if you're handy with a punchdown tool / telephone cabling (insert standard license disclaimer here). If you get a phone guy to install they're about $200 all up (thieves!) Last time I checked they were Australia's only certified ADSL2+ central filter. Speed tests have shown remarkable differences between shitty X brand filters and this baby. C10 also makes regular (non-central) filters too.

I've also seen the phone line itself as the culprit - worn / nicked cables, water in the insulation, rats, old wall sockets, even other phone handsets causing grief. Disconnect all devices / filters other than the ADSL modem and see of the problem persists (a pain but the litmus test).

The lazy bastards at iinet should have asked you to disconnect all the devices in your house except the ADSL modem anyway and run a full line test. This frequently rules out bad lines / cables / connectors. Call and insist they do a full line test...

Hope this helps!

Cheers, Antony

=                            =                                   =
=   Antony N. Lord           =     http://antonylord.com         =
=   [EMAIL PROTECTED]       =     Perth, Western Australia      =
=                            =                                   =

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