We run a simple network of two eMacs, one running 10.2 (hereafter called "10.2") and the other running 10.3 ("10.3"). Most of our critical working files are on 10.2. When 10.3 mounts the 10.2 disks, and 10.2 user unthinkingly shuts down without checking first, there is no dialogue box or other indication that another machine is attached; 10.2 just shuts down. Not surprisingly this annoys 10.3 user.

We recollect that in the old days, pre OSX, that on shutdown the OS checked for anyone attached and displayed a dialogue box if there was, and we think that OS 10.3 also does this (we will check later). We considered writing a script (Applescript) to solve the problem, but can find no place in 10.2 which can be inspected to indicate whether someone else is attached. We imagine that there could be a daemon which starts up when a network connection is made, which we could see in the process viewer, but maybe not? We thought up a few very complex solutions, but something simple would be nice.

Does anyone know of any solution to this problem, either something straightforward, or any "flag" which can be inspected by Applescript?


Kaye Stott and Geoff Prince
web: http://www.kgweb.org.au

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