
Has all the Unix variables which are part of OS X.

pico or nano


Plus many more, just try typing the above name in terminal which has many preferences to accommodate ones one nuances.

The manual; type man with program name of choice.


On 26May2008, at 12:25 pm, Rob Phillips wrote:

This is probably a question I should know the answer to.

I need to access a simple, lightweight text editor to do a little bit of HTML authoring/ tidying. Textedit renders HTML, so this isn't what I want. I used to use BBEdit, but this seems to be only commercial now, and I don't need it enough to pay $125.

What are the alternatives?


Rob Phillips, BSc, PhD, Grad Dip Comp Sci, FHERDSA
Teaching and Learning Centre
Room 4.42 Level 4 Library North Wing , Murdoch University,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: +61 8 9360 6054 Mobile: 0416 065 054 Fellow, Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia

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