Hi Ronni,

when you said Windows 2004 I knew you meant Windows Office 2003, as it was only release in '03 and '07.

Yep you are safe to assume that they are file compatible for both Windows Office 03 and Mac Office 04.


On 29/07/2008, at 10:45 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi Eugene,

Would this also be the case if using 'Office 2003 for Windows' & 'Office 2004 for Mac'?


On 29/07/2008, at 10:20 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Many thanks Eugene,

Your answer was what I expected, I needed it clarified by someone who works in both platforms.

Thanks again, I can now re-assure my Son in Law that he has made the right decision in following my advice in buying a Mac!


On 29/07/2008, at 10:14 AM, Eugene wrote:

Hi Ronnie,

a colleague and I who both work on the 2 platforms & swap .doc files all the time. We edit and send back without any problems.

Now that I use 2008 and she uses Windows 2007 version we continue to swap even changing between .doc and .docx


On 29/07/2008, at 10:00 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hello WAMUGers,

If you edit a Word .doc file in 'Office 2004 for Mac' that was originally created in 'Office 2004' on a Windows computer, can the edited .doc file be opened and edited again back in Office 2004 on the Windows Computer?

In other words can you cross platform with the same document in both Windows & Mac versions of Office 2004? Work on the document at work on the Windows Computer and then work on the same document at home on the Mac.

I've never used MS Office hence this question to people who do use Office 2004 on both platforms.

Many thanks.


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