On 10/08/2008, at 5:08 PM, John Daniels wrote:

Following my reinstallation from the upgrade disc I now have 10.5 as the OS.
Prior to the problem I had 10.5.4
1) When I archived and installed, would my previous OS (10.5.4) have been
retained on the HDD.

You should be able to find a " Previous system " folder on the hard drive

2) I do have a backup on Time Machine back to June. Would that help to get
10.5.4 updates without downloading the combo afresh?
3) I did have a folder in the dock for downloads with stacks but I
inadvertently dragged it into the desktop and lost it.

You should not have lost the folder  ... but where it is ..... ?

When you said you lost the above folder did it disappear in a " puff of smoke "
which would  mean that was an alias .

Try looking ... previous system ... users - your name - for Downloads folder

What you need is the Mac OSX Combo 10.5.4 update , and then you do not have to worry about the
increments in between

getting that folder and stacks back in the dock?
I hope someone has the time and patience to answer the above

On 9/8/08 6:24 PM, "John Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all
The only Leopard disc I had is the upgrade disc from Tiger. So I have
reinstalled Leopard (Archive and Install). This seems to have worked. After
installation I ran repair permissions. I'm not sure whether I have
permanently cured the problem, we shall see.
Anyway thankyou all for your help.

On 9/8/08 3:08 PM, "Robert Howells" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 09/08/2008, at 2:50 PM, John Daniels wrote:

Hi Bob
No, I could not force it either with C or Option keys. It stayed in

On 9/8/08 2:39 PM, "Robert Howells" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 09/08/2008, at 2:33 PM, John Daniels wrote:

No luck Bob
The Leopard upgrade DVD does not show up anywhere on the desktop.

Yep .....    I think I found the same problem with an   UPGRADE CD
IF I remember correctly you actually have to be running the previous
OS for the upgrade to mount.

Do you happen to have the last COMBO update on your hard drive ?
You may be able to re run that ! ?
Not sure what happens when you run that over a later security update !

Seems like you really need a Leopard INSTAL disk rather than an
upgrade disk ,

or connect via firewire and set up Target Disk mode to another PPC
mac with Leopard

or Connect an external Hard Drive ( which has Leopard installed )
via firewire
so you can start up from it.

You cannot run Permissions from Disk Warrior CD ... wrong versions !
You might startup from Disk Warrior 4.1 which runs on Tiger but can
repair Leopard structure .

Disk Warrior Version 4 is Tiger only .. NO GOOD for Leopard


Did you force  a start up from the CD

That is ....   get the CD in the Mac

in iniate a restart       and hold down the C  key ,

OR    the Option key in lieu of the C key

The giggle might be keeping the DVD in the slot while you do the


On 9/8/08 2:23 PM, "Robert Howells" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 09/08/2008, at 12:56 PM, John Daniels wrote:

Thanks Ronni
Unfortunately I don't know how I can get to Disk Utility because
Finder wont
open nor Spotlight

John ,

Start up with your system CD and look for Disk Utility under the
drop down menu .

Then run Permissions repair

You need the same flavour instal CD as your system on your HD .


On 9/8/08 11:23 AM, "Ronda Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 08/08/2008, at 8:24 PM, John Daniels wrote:

Hi Folks
I updated my table lamp running 10.5.4 with the 2008-5 security
Now Spotlight has quit unexpectedly and the message telling me
appearing over everything else every 15 seconds. In addition
fails to
launch I have restarted but still the same.

Hi John,

I think you might have some directory problems.
a) Startup in Safe Mode, this will take awhile longer to startup
because OSX is actually scanning your entire hard drive for

b) After starting up in Safe Mode, restart your computer normally
then repair permissions using Disk Utility.

To startup in Safe Mode:
To start up into Safe Mode (to "Safe Boot"), do this:

1. Be sure the computer is shut down.

2. Press the power button.

3. Immediately after you hear the startup tone, press and hold
Shift key.
The Shift key should be held as soon as possible after the
tone but not before.

4. Release the Shift key when you see the grey Apple and progress
indicator (looks like a spinning gear).


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